Modul #31.1-31.2
Modul #31.1-31.2 glasmachen
Two-channel video, 2 x 19’55“, 4k, 16:9, 4.0, loop, 2022

Enzyklopädie der Handhabungen. Modul #31.1–31.2 glasmachen
Two-channel video, 2 x 19’55”, 4k, 16:9, 4.0, loop, 2022
Concept, director, production, montage: Anette Rose
Artistic advise: Bernhard Sallmann
Camera: Till Beckmann, Katharina Hauke
Sound, sound mix: Klaus Barm
Color grading: Till Beckmann
Catering: Lioba Maria Solga
Installation photos: Thomas Bruns
Set photo #5: Anette Rose
Glassmakers: Peter Kuchinke, Joel Flygare
Thanks to: Glass Factory Team, Ellis Berlijn, Christoph Bickenbach, Julian Breuer, Jasmin Mersmann, Jens Körner, Florian Koerner von Gustorf, Florian Reifferscheidt, Barbara Schmidt, Barbara Wolbert
Produced in collaboration with the Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin and the project glass – hand formed matter as well as the partner institution The Glass Factory. The installation Glowing Matter was additionally supported by the Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung and the Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg.